Sunday, March 31, 2019

Mar 31 : "Clique Bait" - Pine Barons (Philly)

New Music / Freshly Written & Recently Released (Jan 30)

Philly Music!

Thursday night March 14 I saw Philly band "Pine Barons" do an excellent show, opening up the evening at Everybody Hits. While they're a Philly band now, they trace their roots back to NJ. Here's an excerpt from their web page: "Born among the pitch pines of southern New Jersey, Pine Barons is a super team of ultra-pals who write songs for everyday thinkers, movers, magicians, friends, animals, and legends. With a satchels-worth of musical influences, these four heroes devote themselves to the mission of spreading rock n roll, good times, high fives and hot sauce to friends around the world."

I like the band's harmonies and some of their oddball song structures. The music in the show was a little more freeform than what we hear on their web page. They played around a little more with tempo changes as well as stops and starts.

The band released two new singles just back in January. One of them is "Clique Bait" :::

Pine Barons doesn't have any other shows coming up soon, but here is the click to their Facebook page where you can keep an eye on what they're doing ::: Pine Barons on Facebook (CLICK HERE)

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