Monday, April 24, 2017

Apr 24 : Emotional (San Francisco)

Ten years ago there were more venues in Lower Manhattan than there are today. I've noticed that within the past year or two there have been more ads and listings for "Berlin", located on Avenue A north of Houston Street. I went there for the first time recently and saw San Francisco band "Emotional" do a good show.

I'm still without my own computer so can't do any music streaming, and, using a computer in a public place, have to keep this posting brief. But here is the Facebook page for Emotional. They're worth a listen: ::: Emotional on Facebook (CLICK HERE)

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Apr 18 : Tygerstrype (Philly)

Philly Music!

The next few blog postings are going to be different from usual. They'll be mighty short. My computer is down, so I'm checking emails and doing online at FedEx where they charge by the minute tick tick tick. So I'll be concise and brief.

I recently saw Philly band Tygerstrype do a show at The Barbary. Very good show. I liked it a lot. Music is more intense than last time I heard them. Vocals, percussion, guitar, all stronger and richer.

Unfortunately I can't do music samples because tick tick tick and $ $ $ and can't blow up the store with Tygerstrype music, at least I don't think I can. FedEx is counting every second. But I would definitely recommend you check out Tygersrype's Bandcamp page. Tygerstrype on Bandcamp (CLICK HERE)

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Apr 05 : "Devil You Know" - Red Datsun (New York)

From the nuanced to the raucous. Red Datsun is in the house. When the band and its fans come into the room, it's an overwhelming wave of energy. The band has been around for years and has built up a very loyal following, and they packed the room at the recent show at Pianos.

Miller got up on stage and pounded out the vocals backed up by the power of the team's guitars and drums. A good show.
Here's the band's self-description from their web page ::: "RED DATSUN is the product of lives spent in suede cubicles, shadowy bars, ambient trains, and throttled cars. Young lives rooted in the sound of the rock & roll the way the kids used to do it, and the way it used to be done. Analog, dirty, unfastidious. "

While the band does have a Bandcamp page, they do have a collection of You-Tube videos from a few years back. Here is "Devil You Know" from 2013.

Right now Red Datsun doesn't have any other shows coming up, but you can keep an eye on them by checking out their web page ::: Red Datsun web page