Friday, January 10, 2014

Jan 10 : Monday Appreciation Society (Philly)

Philly Music!

Another project created by a Long Walk Home (featured in Jan 4 post) member is "Monday Appreciation Society." At the big show at North Star, Monday Appreciation Society played right after Bird Watcher and right before Long Walk Home.

Monday Appreciation Society's direct connection to Long Walk Home is drummer Mark Rybaltowski. Mark's partner in the newer project is Dan Wisniewski. However, Mark and Dan describe themselves as "Two dudes from The Quelle Source", which is another band that both of them were in previously. But The Quelle Source also had Kevin Ryan from Long Walk Home, so there's a second more roundabout connection. The sounds are intertwined.

Mark and Dan have music posted on Bandcamp, on which they say that their initial music has been recorded on a 4-track cassette recorder. They have a 5-track ep, "Time Travel EP" posted on their Bandcamp page with a promise that an 11-track album is in the works!

If you visit their Bandcamp page, you'll see that the lyrics are posted for each song, which is still a little unusual. Not all bands do that, although they probably should.

This is about the point where I would normally feature a particular song of the band and have it posted right here. But, alas, Bandcamp wouldn't cooperate, and I can't repost anything from their Bandcamp page. So the best I can do is to tell you to go their page and listen. Here is the click ::: Monday Appreciation Society (CLICK HERE)


Jan 16, 2014, Added On ::: ::: Problem Solved! I mentioned above that I wasn't able to post any music from Monday Appreciation Society's Bandcamp page. I think in the end that must have been a browser problem, because now it seems to work. Listen to "Red Snow", which is the fourth song on the band's "Time Travel E.P.".

The band's lyrics are not as direct as some others that we often hear. There's some beautiful imagery in Monday Appreciation Society's lyrics, and I think especially in this one particular song, "Red Snow". Again, go to their page and check out the lyrics!

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