Thursday, June 8, 2017

Jun 08 : "It's Alright". - Sam Seeger (New York)


My main reason to go to Pianos that night was to hear Sam Seeger and his band. I had seen them at Goldsounds in Bushwick a few months before and was eager to see them again. The Pianos show was great; they didn't disappoint. At Pianos they played some new work and a lot of their standards.

Sam told me that he started playing music when he was twelve, and, from then until now, one of his dreams and goals is to have a "band of siblings". And that's exactly the way he's worked things out. His current lineup features both sister, Lily, playing rhythm guitar, and brother, Max, playing bass. (And Sam's girlfriend, Rosie, playing drums).

One song that stands out in their collection is "It's Alright." It's a song that has only those two words: "It's Alright". The first time I heard it, it seemed like a very upbeat and innocuous song; as I was first becoming acquainted with the band I had just been listening to their Soundcloud stream without looking at any of the accompanying artwork. However, as I later started to listen to the band's total body of music more intensely as well as took a closer look at their original artwork, I came to realize that the band has a more cynical and cautionary look at life and society, and there was more behind the two-word lyrics that I originally thought. I later saw the art next to the song showing a thumbs-up from the grave while being told "It's Alright". In some of the band's other work, such as "Drumbeat of the Apocalypse", the theme is resisting some of society's sweet words that try to lull us into submission. Here is "It's Alright", which was released last August :::

Sam Seeger and his siblings have no other shows coming up soon in our area, but here is the click to their web page, where you can keep an eye on what they're doing next ::: Sam Seeger web page (CLICK HERE). And here is the click to their Facebook page ::: Sam Seeger on Facebook (CLICK HERE).

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