Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Aug 22 : "Lemon Pie" - Bel Heir (Philly)

New Music / Freshly Written & Recently Released (June)

Philly Music!

Another sensational show I saw Saturday night at Boot and Saddle was by Philly band "Bel Heir". Some great melodic lines; I've been listening to their Soundcloud a lot. Actually there is a stronger bass and rhythm in the Soundcloud version than there was at the show. Also some very vibrant changes in texture come through much better on Soundcloud. They just came out with some new music in June; it's on an ep, titled "Washed Up". Here is "Lemon Pie" (on Soundcloud) from that album. Stylistically this song represents what I like most about the band's music :::

I know I'm going to go back to hear them again, but right now Bel Heir doesn't have any other shows lined up. In the meantime, here is the click to their Facebook page where you can keep an eye on what they'll be doing next ::: Bel Heir on Facebook (CLICK HERE).

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