Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Apr 04 : "Sandals" and "Flight 815" - FLOTUS (Syracuse)

New Music / Freshly Written & Recently Released (Feb 14)


A week ago Friday I went to Pianos after work and saw Syracuse band FLOTUS do their first New York show! I thought it was excellent with good performances all around, but I was especially mesmerized by the work on the keys! Wow!

They recently came out with a new album, "Sundance"; two of the songs deal with what to look for in life. How should we live life? One sure thing is that "FLOTUS" (acronym for "Funky Lads of the United States") doesn't have any doubts; they know what they want. And what they seek revolves not so much around actions or material goals, but, rather, on the right attitude. And part of that attitude is an uncommon confidence that everything will turn out fine. Some songwriters talk about hope for the future, but the FLOTUS guys don't talk about a good future in terms of "if" things turn out ok, but in terms of "when" things turn out ok. In other words, life turning out right is a given.

More details in "Sandals", which is the lead track on the new album :::

Unexpected and cool that they say that when everything "falls into place" for you, they remind you to thank your siblings and parents.

Here's more, these on "Flight 815", the second track on the album :::

FLOTUS doesn't have any shows coming up in the near future, but here is the click to their Facebook page where you can watch what they're doing in the meantime: FLOTUS on Facebook (CLICK HERE). I will have my eye out for their next tour.

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