Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Oct 19 : Tuhs and Fuhs

Another exceptional band that I heard at Girard Fest / Fire Fest was "Tuhs and Fuhs". Don't bother looking. You won't find any web page for them. They themselves said at the beginning of their set that they didn't have a page. They announced themselves as the band "Igor's Egg", minus one of their regular members.

I wasn't quite sure what that actually meant. Was it that one member was sick or couldn't make the show, so they just renamed themselves. Or was it that this was a different band with different music. As I listened to them further, I started to think it was the latter.

This band also played at the juncture of jazz and rock. And they were good. And somehow even familiar!

By the third song I started to notice some similarities between Tuhs and Fuhs and another band that I've heard many times and that I like a lot, "Codename". As we got more into the music I was wondering whether they were ripping Codename off. Parts of some riffs on the keys sounded like they were from "The Latin Tune". ... But it has been a while since I've seen Codename, and I couldn't be sure. ... I decided to enjoy the show and wonder more later.

After I got home I studiously tried to track down SOME information for Tuhs and Fuhs. And after poking around through different links I found reference to Tuhs and Fuhs that contained the names of the band members. And, I WAS RIGHT. The keys man was "Adam Nash", who is also the keys man for "Codename". ... As I'm writing this now, I've tried to find that reference on Facebook, so I could link it to this posting, but it seems to have been deleted. ... So there are no "clicks" accompanying this posting. Just a recommendation that if you ever see a lineup that features the spontaneously named and arranged band, "Tuhs and Fuhs", GO !!!

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