Sunday, January 27, 2019

Jan 27 : "Delay Hey Hey" - Sam Seeger (New York)

New Video / Recently Released (Jan 2019)

NEWS! SAM SEEGER RELEASES NEW VIDEO ::: ::: I guess the segue from the previous post to this is that both artists are known for including all their family members in their musical productions. Sam did just that earlier this month in this newly released video. Max and Rosie are in the video itself, with David and Ben doing photography and animation.

The song is "Delay Hey Hey". When I first saw the title I wondered about its meaning, but, in listening to the song, it's about someone telling his lover not to leave so soon, that they're the perfect couple. The lyrics express a passion couched in some good melodic lines. I think anyone would like to have a partner sing them this song and anyone would want to have someone to sing this song to.

Sam Seeger doesn't have any shows coming up in the next few weeks, but here is the click to his Facebook page where you can keep up with what he's doing ::: Sam Seeger on Facebook (CLICK HERE).




But what about those eyes! I would have seen this as a straight-forward very good love song if it were't for the eyes. While the lyrics and melodic lines are smooth, the visual of the eye in the sharp-edged squares creates a strong contrast in feel. Is this out of place in this song or what? The series of tiled eyes in the squares form the "head" of a figure. What does this mean?

I asked Sam about this, but he was uncharacteristically not talkative. So I'm trying to figure out what this could be. Sam uses metaphors and symbols in his work. And he's used plenty of eyes, but when they have been used, it's in connection with something more sinister or threatening. He also uses contradictions between the lyrics and the artwork. In "It's Alright", the lyrics keep saying "It's alright", but the the visuals, i.e., the artwork, show a hand reaching up from a grave. In "Delay Hey Hey" the eyes appear for only a few seconds in the main body of the song, but then show up for a prolonged view at the end. So, in this song, are these serious looking eyes juxtaposed against the laid-back lyrics, saying, "Hey, Hey, please stay, but you were trying to leave me so I'm gonna be watching you every dam minute from now on"?

Am I making too much out of this? Well, maybe, but, considering the rest of Sam's work, it's hard to believe that the eyes weren't in there for a cautionary reason. We may never know for sure!

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