Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Nov 20 : "About Money" - Wombo (Louisville)


It hits you directly right away: the overpowering drums, the abrasive stylings in the vocals, and the loud disjointed instrumentals. ... Then a few minutes later they'll be smooth and mellow.

This versatile band is Louisville band Wombo. I saw them do a show, opening up Underground Arts one evening a couple weeks ago. But then they'd just as quickly snap back to the loud staccato drums and the wild vocals. This was much more than what we hear on their Bandcamp page. On November 1 the drums ruled the show.

Wombo is Sydney Chadwick, Joel Taylor, and Cameron Lowe. Here is the second track from their 2017 album, "Staring at Trees". The song is titled "About Money", and it features some of the band's unsettling lyrics:

So Wombo is still on tour, and it doesn't look like they'll be heading back east soon. But here is the click to their Facebook page: Wombo on Facebook (CLICK HERE).

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