A couple weeks ago week my friend, Iam, (or as musician & noise artist "185668232" when performing), did a very unique show at Wonderville in Bushwick. The bar is a destination in itself! When you walk into Wonderville, it looks like many bars, but, off to a separate room to the left is an arcade game room with a stage up in the front. This was where 185668232 did a show.
I have to admit that this was a first for me. It was the first time I had ever been to a show in a game arcade, as well as a first time I had been to a show in a venue where there were other activities or objects competing for my attention at the same time that the show was going on. What to do? That was my dilemma. Should I play some of the exciting and innovative games, talk with people milling about, watch the performance on the stage (with even a moving video in the background), go out to the other room and get a beer? Yikes! So much to do!
I was very intrigued by the games. They aren't of the mass-produced variety you might see elsewhere. I asked Iam about them, and he told me : all of the WONDERVILLE games are really unique artisan designed including a line of them by WONDERVILLE themselves. Some topics for games are so human it makes you question whether you are just part of a gaming parameter. Worth a trip to Wonderville just for the games!
In the Spring of 2018, 185668232 did a new album "Existure". Here is the description of the album on Bandcamp : eXiSTuRe is 185668232's 12th consecutive annual album. It was released in beta/scratch/demo-mode on May 30, 2018. This album is an improvised expression hold-me-over for easier times. It is a practice of vapid melodies and casual beats with heavy hooks, organized noise into a definitive glitch concept of #PowerPop as a more accessible gateway entry for the standard 185668232 content. The album has 19 or 20 tracks, depending on which version of the album you get. I see a trend towards more spoken words in the new album. Here is track #7 (either version) on the album, "Mary Song (Shady Grove) :::
Right now 185668232 is on its first European tour, but will be back mid-month. I'm hoping to get to their next show at Wonderville, which will be on Thursday, Dec. 26th ::: 185668232's Experimental Ecliptic Experiential Eco Echo. Here is the click to the band's Facebook page ::: 185668232's Facebook page (CLICK HERE).
12/20/19 UPDATE ::: Iam admonished me that I should include a photo with EVERY writeup, so I looked through my files and found this picture of us from earlier this year.

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