New Music / Freshly Written & Recently Released (September)

photo from The Extensions' Facebook page
The Extensions did a great show at New Brunswick's Barca City. I caught them a couple weeks ago; it was my first time seeing them. First impressions as I first started to watch centered a lot around the keys! It was unusual to see the keys right up in front on the stage, right under the spotlight. The keys were also weaving in and out of the front of the arrangements, providing a foundation, yet being versatile to meet the stylistic demands of each song. Power of the keys was much more evident in the show than what we hear on the Bandcamp page.
The strong melodic lines also stood out, the way they travel with some surprising twists and turns followed by chords that come along unexpectedly.
A third aspect that stood out in both the show as well as the online music is how tightly the work is written. The band itself calls it "angular". Their self-description says Angular indie rock with lyrics sharper than a box cutter, and hooks as sweet as grape soda. The Extensions prove themselves to be the estranged powerpop love child of Spoon and Elvis Costello.
The Extensions are a four-piece band, featuring Brian Erickson, Kevin Newcomb, Lisa LoVell, and Pete Stern. They recently released their debut EP, "Bellicose", back in September. Here is "Envy Smile", which is the last track on the album and encompasses several of the features I like about the band's sound.
Here is the click to The Extensions' Facebook page where you can find out more about the band and any upcoming shows they'll have in the future ::: The Extensions on Facebook (CLICK HERE).
p.s. ... Excellent evening was put together by "Embrace DIY Productions".
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